
Explore the web and we will help to find exactly what you want

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How does it work?

Our extension provides you 4 different search engines and you can use them in one place. Also we have simple and compliant settings menu where you can choose your favorite search engine and check the pages you can be interested in.

Supported Search Engines

After this extension has been added to your Chrome browser you can choose your search engine. In this extension, we support Yahoo, Google, Kiddle and Bing. If you want to select a different search engine as your default, you can easily do so inside the Settings of this extension.

Our strong sides

All your favorite search engines in one place
Comfortable settings menu
Accurate time always at hand

Frequently asked questions

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Of course. It's a free browser for anyone. And we do not ambush you with "in-app purchase" like those smartphone apps and never charge you money for any functionality inside.

Unfortunately, in this version we do not support it. But we'll consider your need and try to include it in the next version. Our goal is to make the browser as light and as simple as possible without burdening you with many bling bling features.

It's Bing.

Uninstalling this browser is like uninstalling/removing any programs from your computer. It's very easy. See instructions on the uninstallation page.